Dr Mark Lennon

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Hospital Avenue
Perth, WA 6009
Bethesda Hospital
25 Queenslea Drive
Perth, WA 6010
Hollywood Private Hospital
Monash Avenue
Perth, WA 6009
Mark J Lennon, Senthuren Isaac, Dale Currigan, Sinead O'Leary, Riaz JK Khan, Daniel P Fick. Erector spinae plane block combined with local infiltration analgesia for total hip arthroplasty: A randomized placebo controlled, clinical trial. J Clin Anesth 2021 May; 69:110153
A Chuan, A Lansdown, KL Brick, AJG Bourgeois, LB Pencheva, B Hue, S Goddard, MJ Lennon, A Walters, D Auyong. Adductor canal versus floral triangle anatomical locations for continuous catheter analgesia after total knee arthroplasty: a multicentre randomised controlled study. Br J Anaesthesia 2019;123:360-367
MJ Lennon, FJ Torlot, J. Micallef, RJ Khan, P Vasantharao
Persistent opioid use after arthroplasty
Anaesth Intensive Care 2018; 46:629-630
SC Sargant, MJ Lennon, RJ Khan, D Fick, H Robertson, S Haebich
Extended duration regional analgesia for total knee arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial comparing five days to three days of continuous adductor canal ropivacaine infusion
Anaes Int Care 2018; 46:326-331
Wenk M, Lennon M.
Training & supervision remain the key
Minerva Anestesiol. 2013; 79:453
Lennon MJ, Zaw N, Wenk M.
Procedural complications of Central Venous Catheter Insertion.
Minerva Anestesiologica 2012; 78:1234-1240
Lennon MJ, Power B, Thompson P.
Central Venous Access.
Book Chapter for Coronary Care Manual, 2010.
Law D, Lennon MJ.
Unexplained anaemia following massive transfusion for haematemesis.
Critical Care and Resuscitation 2006; 8:52-55
Lennon MJ, Gibbs NM, Weightman WM, Leber J, Hooi C Ee, Yusoff IF.
Transesophageal Echocardiography Related Gastrointestinal Complications in Cardiac Surgical Patients.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2005; 19:141-145
Lennon MJ. A Review of the Classics.
Acute respiratory distress in adults. Ashbaugh DG, Bigelow DB, Petty TL, Levine BE. The Lancet, Saturday 12 August 1967.
Critical Care and Resuscitation, March 2005; 60-61.
Lennon MJ, Gibbs NM, Weightman WM, McGuire D, Michalopoulos N.
A comparison of PlateletworksTM and turbidometric platelet aggregometry in cardiac surgical patients.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia; 2004; 18:136-40
Lennon MJ, Gibbs NM, Weightman WM, Leber J, Hooi C Ee, Yusoff IF
Late presentation of TEE-related gastrointestinal complications in cardiac surgical patients.
Anaesth Analg 2004; 98:SCA 22
Lennon MJ, Thackray NM, Gibbs NM.
Factor Xa monitoring of anticoagulation during cardiopulmonary bypass in a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome.
Anaesth Intensive Care 2003; 31:95-98
Lennon MJ, McGuire D, Gibbs NM, Weightman WM, Michalopoulos N.
The relationship between PlateletworksTM and laboratory assessment of aspirin-related platelet dysfunction in cardiac surgical patients. Anaesth Intensive Care 2003; 31:106
Lennon MJ.
Pulse Contour Analysis and Transpulmonary Thermodilution.
In Keneally J, Jones M, Eds. Australasian Anaesthesia 2003, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Melbourne, 2003
D Harmon, PO Connor, MJLennon, C MOran, J Gardiner
The effects of the menstrual cycle and oestradiol concentration on postoperative nausea and vomiting
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 17(Supplement 19)
Lennon MJ, Seigne P, Cunningham AJ.
Pituitary apoplexy after spinal anaesthesia.
Br J Anaesth 1998:81; 616-618